California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
The State of California requires all school districts to administer the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. These assessments are comprehensive end of year assessments in English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics and Science. The Smarter Balanced Assessment System utilizes computer-adaptive tests and performance tasks that allow students to show what they know, how well their doing and where they might need more support.
Who takes the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Assessments?
Students in grades 3-8 and 11 take the English-Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Math assessments.
Summative Assessment Parent Guide
Students in grades 5, 8 and once in high school take the CA Science Test (CAST).
Who takes the CAASPP Alternate Assessments?
Students in grades 3-8 and 11 whose individualized education plan (IEP) identifies them to use the Ca Alternate Assessments (CAA).
Parent/Guardian's Guide to the CAA
What is the test format?
Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based and adaptive. Students receive unique subject test questions. A correct answer is followed by a more difficult question, and an incorrect answer is followed by an easier question. This provides a more precise estimate of student understanding. The assessment is a series of adaptive questions, estimated to take 1-2 hours and includes a Performance Task that is one real-world problem requiring multiple steps and extended writing in language arts, also estimated to take 1-2 hours. Assessments do not need to be administered all at once. Each can be given over several days to accommodate teaching schedules. None of the tests are timed.
Which standards are tested?
The California Common Core State Standards for ELA and Math.
The California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS).
When will I see my child's CAASPP scores?
Your child's scores will be available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal approximately 4 weeks after testing ends. Scores in each area are rated on a four level scale. These scores do not affect your child's grades. They simply help you and the school understand your child's strengths, and where he/she needs support. They also help the state get a clearer picture of how well schools are meeting students' needs.
Understanding the Student Score Report
- Level 4 (Standard Exceeded)
- Level 3 (Standard Met)
- Level 2 (Standard Nearly Met)
- Level 1 (Standard Not Met)
Early Assessment Program (EAP) for Juniors
Early Assessment results are accepted by participating California Community Colleges (CCC) as well as California State University's (CSU). Students taking the Smarter Balanced ELA and Math assessments choose to release the results of both at the end of each assessment to the CSU and/or CCC in which they have enrolled. Releasing the results will not affect a student's application for admission. Results are used to determine placement after the student has been admitted to a Community College or CA State University.
Standard Exceeded (Level 4): Students who score at the highest performance level “Standard Exceeded” will enroll in GE English and/or mathematics college level courses upon entering the CSU. Students are encouraged to continue preparation during the twelfth grade.
Standard Met (Level 3): Students who score at the “Standard Met” performance level must complete an approved year-long English and/or mathematics course in the twelfth grade with a grade of “C-” or better. Students will enroll in GE English and/or mathematics college-level courses upon entering the CSU.
Standard Nearly Met (Level 2) and Standard Not Met (Level 1): Students who score at the “Standard Nearly Met” or "Standard Not Met" performance level will be placed in supported GE English and/or mathematics college-level courses unless they meet the exemption criteria through completion of other multiple measures (ACT, SAT, High School coursework or high school grade point average, and college transfer coursework).
Students who intend to enroll at a CSU or a CCC are encouraged to release their results by selecting the “bubble” at the end of the CAASPP assessments. The CAASPP results can be released to the CSU or CCC only through this process. Students who choose at the time of testing not to release their results, may be required to provide a copy of their CAASPP Student Score Report to the specific CSU campus or participating Community College. More information can be found at CSUsuccess and Early Assessment Program.