Admissions » Lottery FAQ

Lottery FAQ

  1. When and where will the lottery be held?
The lottery will be held on March 13, at 6:00 PM at Western Sierra Collegiate Academy, 660 Menlo Dr. Rocklin.
  2. Do I have to be present at the lottery?
No, attendance is optional and will not impact your placement in the lottery

  3. Who will be a part of the lottery?
Applications submitted between January 03, 2025-February 25,2025, will be a part of the lottery.

   4. How does the lottery work?
The lottery runs all schools / grades simultaneously from Grade 12 to Grade TK and creates each school’s Seated and Waitlist.

   5. What happens after the lottery?
After the lottery occurs, the primary contact listed in family's PS Enrollment Account will receive an email including link to view student's lottery results (Seated or Waitlisted) within 24-48 hours.

   6. What do I do if I receive an offer?
Click to ACCEPT OR DECLINE SEAT - within 24 hours. Seated at Multiple Schools - Accept Seat for ONE SCHOOL only. Once Seat is Accepted - Applicant will be removed from waitlist for OTHER RAFOS SCHOOLS Seat Declined or Miss 24-Hour Deadline - Applicant will be removed from waitlist for SEATED SCHOOL only.

   7. Do I have to apply if my student was on the waitlist last year?
Yes, the lottery is new every year, current waitlists do not roll forward each year.