

Authorized under the Charter School Act of 1992, the Rocklin Academy Family of Schools (RAFOS) are public, tuition free, schools open to all students, including those from surrounding areas.  As a charter school, each school is authorized by a local school district, but we are governed by our own independent Board of Directors.  Like traditional public schools, our board meetings are open to the public.  A charter must be renewed by its authorizer every five (5) years.

American River emblem

American River Collegiate Academy (TK-5) 

Serving 150 students (TK-5) on a stand-alone campus located at

7755 Hazel Avenue, Orangevale

Student/teacher ratio for Grades TK-3 - 24:1; Grades 4-6 - 30:1.

Authorizer:   Sacramento County Office of Education

Rocklin Academy emblem

Rocklin Academy (K-6)

Serving 558 students on shared campus with Ruhkala Elementary located at

6532 Turnstone Way, Rocklin

Student/teacher ratio for Grades K-3 - 24:1; Grades 4-6 - 30:1

Authorizer:  Rocklin Unified School District

Rocklin Academy Gateway emblem

Rocklin Academy Gateway (TK-8)

Serving approximately 1100 students on stand-alone campus located at

6550 Lonetree Blvd, Rocklin

Student/teacher ratio for Grades TK-3 - 24:1; Grades 4-8 - 30:1

Authorizer:  Newcastle Elementary School District

Western Sierra emblem

Western Sierra Collegiate Academy (7-12) 

Serving approximately 800 students on stand-alone campus located at 660 Menlo Drive, Rocklin

Middle/High school program questions?  Contact Western Sierra's Registrar at (916) 778-4544

Authorizer:  Rocklin Unified School District


Admission and Enrollment Policy


Rocklin Academy complies with Title IX and does not, on the basis of gender, exclude any person from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination under, any education or employment program or activity it operates.

See Board Policies