iPad & Chromebook Safeguards

iPad & Chromebook Safeguards

The online safety of students is of paramount concern. We have instituted the following measures to help protect students:

App Store: The App Store is not available on K-6 student iPads, and students may not install apps on their own. Only apps that are vetted by Rocklin Academy are installed on student devices.


Chrome Web Store: Students may browse apps and extensions on the Chrome Web Store, but may only install those that are vetted by Rocklin Academy.


Gaggle: Gaggle integrates with G Suite for Education to monitor student email and documents for unsafe or inappropriate content in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.


Google Search Student Google accounts are configured with Safe Search enabled. Safe Search prevents inappropriate content from appearing in search results.


iBoss Internet Filtering: An Internet content filter blocks inappropriate content from devices, both on campus and off-site.


YouTube: Chromebooks are configured to redirect YouTube requests to cleanvideosearch.com from any location. (iPads are redirected on school campus only.) Furthermore, all student Google accounts are configured to use Restricted Mode. When logged in to YouTube with a student account, videos containing potentially mature content will not be shown. (This does not apply if a student logs in with a non-RAFOS Google account.)


No combination of filters and controls is perfect. We strongly recommend you closely monitor your student’s use of technology, regardless of the technical controls in place.