Current Fiscal Year

Local Educational Agencies, including Charter Schools, are required to adopt a budget prior to July 1 of each year in order to authorize the expenditure of funds. Budgets are “living documents” that change as new information becomes available.  Interim budget reports provide an updated picture of the financial condition during the year and are a tool to evaluate the proposed budget as well as current year revenues and expenditures.  The Adopted Budget and Interim reports summarize the cost to provide necessary resources and support for the students of Rocklin Academy Family of Schools (RAFOS).



Adopted Budget

The Board adopts a budget prior to July 1 for the upcoming year indicating the estimated revenues and expenses to be received and spent. This report also includes our Education Protection Account spending plan, as well as our Educator Effectiveness Program spending plan.  This budget goes to the California Department of Education, Placer County and our Authorizers.